How to properly care for eyelash extension adhesive

How to properly care for eyelash extension adhesive

A lash technician needs several different tools to provide lash services for their clients. One of the most important tools a lash artists needs is proper lash adhesive. Taking care of eyelash extension adhesive is important. Lash artists have to consider a lot of factors when it comes to lash adhesive, from how they store their adhesive to making sure the consistency is correct. Proper care for lash extension adhesive involves several key steps to ensure its longevity and effectiveness:

Keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Ensure the cap is tightly sealed after each use to prevent air exposure.

Store the adhesive upright to prevent leakage.

Avoid storing it near heat sources or in humid environments, as this can degrade the adhesive.

Follow any specific storage instructions provided by the manufacturer for the particular adhesive you are using.

By following these care tips, you can maximize the lifespan and effectiveness of your lash extension adhesive, resulting in beautiful, long-lasting lashes for your clients.

Shake well before each use. Shake the adhesive bottle well to ensure the ingredients are properly mixed.

Clean the nozzle tip with a lint-free cloth after each use to prevent dried adhesive buildup that could clog the nozzle.

Secure cap always. Close the adhesive bottle cap immediately after dispensing the adhesive to prevent air exposure, which can cause premature drying and thickening of the adhesive.

Store properly in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Ideally, store it in an airtight container or bag with silica gel packets to absorb any excess moisture.

Replace adhesive regularly. It has a limited shelf life once opened, typically around 4-6 weeks. Discard any unused adhesive after this time to ensure optimal performance and reduce the risk of irritation or allergic reactions.

Avoid contaminating the nozzle. Do not touch the adhesive nozzle directly with your fingers or other materials to prevent contamination. Use disposable adhesive wipes to clean off adhesive.

Monitor the consistency of your adhesive. Check the adhesive's consistency before each use. It should have a smooth, thin consistency without clumps or stringiness. If the adhesive appears thick or stringy, it may be past its prime and should be replaced.

The ideal temperature to store lash extension adhesive is typically between 50°F to 70°F (10°C to 21°C). It's crucial to avoid storing the adhesive in extreme temperatures, as both heat and cold can adversely affect its performance. Additionally, fluctuations in temperature should be minimized to maintain the adhesive's consistency and effectiveness over time. Storing the adhesive within this temperature range will help ensure its stability and longevity.

Shaking lash extension adhesive can be done by hand or by using a machine specifically designed for this purpose. Here's a comparison of both methods:

Shaking by Hand:

- Advantages:

  - Convenient and readily available.

  - Allows for control over the shaking intensity.

  - Can be done quickly without the need for additional equipment.

- Disadvantages:

  - May require more effort and time to achieve thorough mixing.

  - Risk of inconsistent shaking intensity, which could affect adhesive performance.

  - Potential for hand fatigue with prolonged use.

Shaking with a Machine:

- Advantages:

  - Provides consistent shaking intensity, ensuring thorough mixing of the adhesive.

  - Saves time and effort compared to shaking by hand.

  - Some machines offer programmable settings for precise control over shaking parameters.

- Disadvantages:

  - Requires an initial investment in purchasing the machine.

  - Additional space may be needed for the machine in your workspace.

  - Maintenance and cleaning of the machine may be necessary to ensure optimal performance over time.

Ultimately, both methods can effectively mix lash extension adhesive, but using a machine can offer more consistent results and save time, especially in busy salon environments. However, shaking by hand remains a viable option for those who prefer a more hands-on approach or do not have access to a machine.

When shaking lash extension adhesive, follow these steps for proper mixing:

Hold the adhesive bottle firmly in one hand.

Ensure the cap is tightly closed to prevent any leakage.

Shake the bottle gently and steadily for about 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Use a consistent back-and-forth motion rather than vigorous shaking to avoid creating air bubbles in the adhesive.

Avoid shaking the bottle too aggressively, as this can lead to excessive foaming and compromise the adhesive's performance.

After shaking, let the adhesive settle for a few moments before using it to allow any air bubbles to dissipate.

Following these steps will help ensure that the adhesive is thoroughly mixed and ready for optimal application during lash extension procedures.

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